Pseudo: Luggeriano ou Luggi en bref
Âge : 29
Sexe : masculin
Pays/Ville : la Hongrie
Logiciel que vous utilisez: Sony Vegas 8.0, Adobe After Effects CS5, Adobe Photoshop CS5
Votre but ŕ atteindre en tant que AMV Maker/Graphiste : faire les AMVs et l'organization de la vie du mon AMV communité
AMV Art 2.0Passions : AMV, anime, manga et le sommeil Smile
Manga préféré : un trop grand nombre l'écrir ici
Comment avez vous connu le forum : Mystyk (Heni) l'a recommendé
Comment le trouvez vous ?: merci á Heni Smile
Commentaire en plus : Hello SNK Team ! Greetings from another hungarian editor. I was following Heni's (Mystyk) recommendation and also registered here. I hope will not find any problem with that (building the international connections
) As you can see from my presentation, I can fairly understand the written French, but well, my high-school French knowledge is a bit rusty, so my grammar and vocabulary became very passive. So if you do not mind I will comment in English but I can understand French replies (if they are not filled with new-age slang terms - of course I know the basic swearing words Smile )