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 Starting my first AMV

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3 participants

Messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2012

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MessageSujet: Starting my first AMV   Starting my first AMV Icon_minitimeMer 12 Déc - 0:37

Hello, I'm going to start my first AMV soon. Very Happy I want to know the best place to get the episodes I want, for example, I know there are online sources where you can download the anime. There are torrents out there which allow you to torrent the anime. However, I don't know the quality of which these sources will provide, I know people here torrent their anime, but just a little side thing, how do I determine if the source will provide good clips? Or am I just playing with luck here.

I'm going to use Augustana's Boston with Toradora!
Tell me if that's a good match, if not, recommend something better, (music).

Very Happy I'm really excited and I wish to make this really great. Wish me luck.

PS: I'm looking up tutorials and the English translations are killing me. Sheesh. Just my luck. :c If anyone's willing to help me through skype or something during their free time, that would be awesome. I love you
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Sora to Kasai
Sora to Kasai

Masculin Messages : 4353
Date d'inscription : 21/07/2010
Age : 33
Localisation : Du 29

Starting my first AMV Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Starting my first AMV   Starting my first AMV Icon_minitimeMer 12 Déc - 1:22

@modos: si un modo peut transférer dans besoin d'aide ce serait cool

Citation :
I know people here torrent their anime

nope, we all rip our animes from BR we buy.


little trolling aside:
it depends what you can edit with; the two most used formats are mp4 and mkv. most of the time, you need some encoding support like Virtualdub to get scenes from mkv (converting them in lossless avi)., because most know editing programs (WMM,Vegas,Premier,Magix...) don't read mkv directly. please avoid any youtube video converter or wmm sources.

if you prefer to get mp4 :check if the title of what you have a "RAW" in it. it tells that the source don't have subtitles.

for mkv, you can get any subbed version you want, cause the mkv format is made so you can remove subs (it's like a "multi-layered" format, you can choose subs,audio,etc...)

At best, try to find "BDrip" versions (add this term in your search when possible), this tells you have a directly ripped from Blu-ray, so that way, you won't have the annoying TV logo on top-right.

and if your website is good, sometimes, the uploader offers screenshots to check if the anime is fine.

so to sum up: Raws and BDrip are good terms to check for. this way you'll "mostly" avoid fansubs and tv logos.

as for the anime/music mix: you edit what you want. it doesn't matter what some people prefer, edit with what you like. but it's ok to ask for suggestions. (oh by the way: subjectively, it seems fine , in my opinion :p )

we can't/won't do warrez here on topics (send dl/torrent links), but if you're really strugling, someone may send you a PM. but you shouldn't have problems with toradora, i think.

that explains it in quite a short and simplistic way, so maybe others will add to my answer. but it should give you a good start.

good luck and have fun

Starting my first AMV Tumblr_lrdlpkxlRo1qdcdwpo1_500
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Messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Starting my first AMV   Starting my first AMV Icon_minitimeMer 12 Déc - 1:39

OK, I'm using After Effects, Smile

I'll get whatever I can, to be honest, whatever format is good for me as long as it has good quality and is not framy. Razz

I used to use VirtualDub a while back to make .gif images, I did not know they would be so useful with mkvs. Oo Thanks for the help Very Happy
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Sora to Kasai
Sora to Kasai

Masculin Messages : 4353
Date d'inscription : 21/07/2010
Age : 33
Localisation : Du 29

Starting my first AMV Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Starting my first AMV   Starting my first AMV Icon_minitimeMer 12 Déc - 1:46

no problem

if you want more english-written tutos, check this adress

it's the offical english-speaking/international community of amv-making, so you may find a bunch of useful things if french editors aren't available at the moment.
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Sora to Kasai
Sora to Kasai

Féminin Messages : 4868
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2010
Age : 33
Localisation : Minas Morgul

Starting my first AMV Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Starting my first AMV   Starting my first AMV Icon_minitimeMer 12 Déc - 7:42

ProjectBarcodeError a écrit:
@modos: si un modo peut transférer dans besoin d'aide ce serait cool

Voilà, mais tu sais tu es modo toi aussi...
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MessageSujet: Re: Starting my first AMV   Starting my first AMV Icon_minitime

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