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 Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC}

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3 participants

Masculin Messages : 11
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2013
Age : 30

Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC} Empty
MessageSujet: Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC}   Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC} Icon_minitimeDim 11 Aoû - 23:53

Hey! This a my video for Sempai's IC contest. I didn't plan to use Haruhi again... but...yah. It just happened x)
I'm not sure the exact amount of time I edited, but I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it ;P BUT holy crap the rendering was really annoying, jeeeeeez. Haha I'll glad to get any feedback and advice x) escept the text... I know :S

Anime - Various (Main used: Haruhi Suzumiya film & anime)
Artist - Linkin Park
Song - My December
DL Link -
Steam Link-

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Sora to Kasai
Sora to Kasai

Masculin Messages : 7152
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2009
Age : 30
Localisation : BELGIQUE

Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC} Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC}   Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC} Icon_minitimeLun 12 Aoû - 0:02


Before I make a comment, can you please introduce yourself there ? It would be much appreciated, thank you Wink

As for the amv, I didn't really like it but I thought it was technically not bad. The big problem is that you're always too fast for the song, it feels like you edited on a totally different song and then mixed the video and the music all together.
Another big flaw is the audio cuts, they really put me off, you need to be really careful with those, they're too easy to spot.

Most of your cam moves are too rough, use some blurs and more frames to make them. Also the masls weren't well implemented, you need to be more accurate and to use better color corrections to successfully make a mask look like it was in the scene.

But other than that there were some good ideas for an IC, it doesn't look random and if we forget about the rythm the editing wasn't too bad, it's quite clean.

Keep it up :gg:
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Masculin Messages : 1372
Date d'inscription : 19/05/2012
Age : 31
Localisation : France/Tunisie

Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC} Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC}   Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC} Icon_minitimeLun 12 Aoû - 0:15

Like usual , +1 MDL Very Happy , it reminded me MDL's old clip ( the same anime/artist )

Just watch out about the ''crossover thing'' sometimes , the different sources are easily recognized and not well inlaid , like the one at 01:48 which wasn't really clean ''too much black edges'' , the same for the one at 1:25 , on top of that the train is moving so it's not really easy even if you moved the mask , etc...

Anyway , it's not bad , overall it's clean and there are some good ideas/transitions so good job and good luck Very Happy

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Masculin Messages : 11
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2013
Age : 30

Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC} Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC}   Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC} Icon_minitimeLun 12 Aoû - 0:17

MagicDarkLight a écrit:

Before I make a comment, can you please introduce yourself there ? It would be much appreciated, thank you Wink

As for the amv, I didn't really like it but I thought it was technically not bad. The big problem is that you're always too fast for the song, it feels like you edited on a totally different song and then mixed the video and the music all together.
Another big flaw is the audio cuts, they really put me off, you need to be really careful with those, they're too easy to spot.

Most of your cam moves are too rough, use some blurs and more frames to make them. Also the masls weren't well implemented, you need to be more accurate and to use better color corrections to successfully make a mask look like it was in the scene.

But other than that there were some good ideas for an IC, it doesn't look random and if we forget about the rythm the editing wasn't too bad, it's quite clean.

Keep it up :gg:
Hey! Thanks for replying to my post :3 first; ohh my bad, haha sure, I will introduce myself now Smile.
Some really good feedbback, thankyou.  About the pace, are talking about the entire video or just like the start, I wanted the start to be faster in a way, since it suppose be flashbacks/what he's dreaming about, if you talking about entire video then fair enough man, I will be sure too keep watch of that in my other videos Smile
Same goes or my cam moves and masks,  I thought some masks were at least okay, but I do hate the 2 at the end, when his is stood at the grave :S haha.
Song cut, ahh yah, terrible :(lol
Again thanks for the feedback and advice, it is what I need :3

Draga a écrit:
Like usual , +1 MDL Very Happy, it reminded me MDL's old clip ( the same anime/artist )

Just watch out about the ''crossover thing'' sometimes , the different sources are easily recognized and not well inlaid , like the one at 01:48 which wasn't really clean ''too much black edges'' , the same for the one at 1:25 , on top of that the train is moving so it's not really easy even if you moved the mask , etc...

Anyway , it's not bad , overall it's clean and there are some good ideas/transitions so good job and good luck Very Happy

Hey Draga! Thanks for you feedback and the advice, like I said to MDL It's what I need :3
First; It did? o.o lol I'll have to go back and look at his older videos ahaha x)

Second; Yeah I understand and I know what you mean :s I hated that masking too, lol should of been more careful. The train part, I wanted to make it more smoother, but time was running out, but that's not really an excuse, haha x)
Thanks again! :3
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Sora to Kasai
Sora to Kasai

Masculin Messages : 7152
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2009
Age : 30
Localisation : BELGIQUE

Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC} Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC}   Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC} Icon_minitimeLun 12 Aoû - 0:27

Yeah sorry maybe I wasn't enough accurate in my comm', so of course for the masks it's especially those of the grave but also the one of Haruhi in the train. The critic on the pace was on the entire video though Surprised

And btw if you want to add something to your post, don't post another one but use the "Edit" button instead Razz
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Masculin Messages : 11
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2013
Age : 30

Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC} Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC}   Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC} Icon_minitimeLun 12 Aoû - 0:57

Aha, it's alright man :)Yeah man I know what you mean about the masks, especially those that the end, next edits I'll do it more carefully with some blurs and other such tricks. Same goes for the pacing. Again thanks, I was wondering in the future, maybe if you have the time you could beta test my works, to test such things? Smile

And cheers about the "edit" thing, just used it now Wink
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MessageSujet: Re: Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC}   Unforgettable December{Sempai's IC} Icon_minitime

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