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 [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose!

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5 participants
Vieux Brigand
Vieux Brigand

Masculin Messages : 135
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2014
Age : 29

agito - [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose! Empty
MessageSujet: [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose!   agito - [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose! Icon_minitimeMar 17 Fév - 21:08

agito - [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose! 1424789367-Total-Overdose21_1

Oh, hey guys! This was a really SO HARD collab with my best friend Agito (!) bcz we make it for just 3,5 days for EST IC! I hope you like it!

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Dernière édition par Fobos le Mer 6 Avr - 10:37, édité 1 fois
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Sora to Kasai
Sora to Kasai

Masculin Messages : 10579
Date d'inscription : 05/04/2009
Age : 35
Localisation : The City

agito - [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose!   agito - [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose! Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Fév - 19:02

Hey guys!

Maybe it was too fast in some parts and be careful with the differences of colors between the scenes, sometimes it was pretty choking ( 5 to 6 sec and 7 to 8 for examples)!

But anyway, overall it's not bad at all, good luck for the ranking!
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Masculin Messages : 15
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2014
Age : 27

agito - [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose!   agito - [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose! Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Fév - 20:33

J'aime bien Smile
il y a qlq defauts mais gg et bonne chance pour l' IC
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Suceur de nouilles
Suceur de nouilles

Masculin Messages : 77
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2012
Age : 30

agito - [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose!   agito - [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose! Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Fév - 20:44


I'like your video ! :gg:
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Sora to Kasai
Sora to Kasai

Masculin Messages : 7153
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : BELGIQUE

agito - [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose!   agito - [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose! Icon_minitimeSam 21 Fév - 14:46


That was a good random, I couldn't really notice who did what and they were very cool transitions and sequences. However, even if it's random by nature, some scenes weren't exactly what I'd expect, (mixing dramatic anime designs with more fun ones). The end felt less solid too, and the pace might have needed more variation than that.

Still very cool and well edited, good job guys
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Vieux Brigand
Vieux Brigand

Masculin Messages : 135
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2014
Age : 29

agito - [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose!   agito - [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose! Icon_minitimeSam 21 Fév - 16:03

Thanks for ur comment guys, i appreciate it! And yeah Echo, agree with you and MDL!thanks for your criticism a lot guys! Smile
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agito - [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose!   agito - [Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose! Icon_minitime

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[Agito/Fobos] - Total Overdose!
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