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 [Agito's MEP] - Shadow Of Fear

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3 participants
Roseau Fringant
Roseau Fringant

Masculin Messages : 25
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2014
Age : 27

agito - [Agito's MEP] - Shadow Of Fear Empty
MessageSujet: [Agito's MEP] - Shadow Of Fear   agito - [Agito's MEP] - Shadow Of Fear Icon_minitimeSam 5 Déc - 19:17

agito - [Agito's MEP] - Shadow Of Fear Sof_po10

Hello! This is my new mep. I start to make solo with this song, but for the moment I lost my inspiration... So, I think it looks pretty good overall!



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Masculin Messages : 4570
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2011
Age : 30

agito - [Agito's MEP] - Shadow Of Fear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Agito's MEP] - Shadow Of Fear   agito - [Agito's MEP] - Shadow Of Fear Icon_minitimeSam 5 Déc - 20:06

Overall is not bad but track 1/2 are way better than others. GG pour le cary luciole et Elle
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Sora to Kasai
Sora to Kasai

Masculin Messages : 7153
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : BELGIQUE

agito - [Agito's MEP] - Shadow Of Fear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Agito's MEP] - Shadow Of Fear   agito - [Agito's MEP] - Shadow Of Fear Icon_minitimeSam 5 Déc - 21:57

Most of it looked ok, but I got quite bored half-way though. I didn't like the KnK and Deadman ones. I agree with didi, Luciole and Ele did great, I liked Kitan's too though Smile Decent job overall
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agito - [Agito's MEP] - Shadow Of Fear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Agito's MEP] - Shadow Of Fear   agito - [Agito's MEP] - Shadow Of Fear Icon_minitime

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[Agito's MEP] - Shadow Of Fear
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