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 N E ✖ U S - PROJEKT: Resonance

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2 participants

Masculin Messages : 729
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2012
Age : 26
Localisation : Reims

N E ✖ U S - PROJEKT: Resonance Empty
MessageSujet: N E ✖ U S - PROJEKT: Resonance   N E ✖ U S - PROJEKT: Resonance Icon_minitimeLun 7 Aoû - 13:00

N E ✖ U S

N E ✖ U S - PROJEKT: Resonance Resona10

"1 song thousands of interpretations". Welcome to  - PROJEKT: Resonance - !

Many thanks to Staiks for the poster!

Track 1: xHAZAMx
Track 2: Zhul
Track 3: KazeShin
Track 4: L33t
Track 5: Fury
Track 6: Despair

Song: Cryptex - Concerto

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Sora to Kasai
Sora to Kasai

Masculin Messages : 7152
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2009
Age : 30
Localisation : BELGIQUE

N E ✖ U S - PROJEKT: Resonance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: N E ✖ U S - PROJEKT: Resonance   N E ✖ U S - PROJEKT: Resonance Icon_minitimeDim 13 Aoû - 9:46


Overall the concept is really interesting and most of it was well carried. I feel like I enjoyed the first parts more, it kinda lost its edge at the calm part. But I enjoyed the drop with the zoom on Nexus and this phase with red lights at 2:05 a lot.
There's quite a good homogeneity between the tracks which is nice, but it is still obvious that there's a difference in level at some points and it breaks the mood imo.

Good job and good luck guys
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