Sora to Kasai
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 [Agito&Fobos] Strong Willed 2

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2 participants
Vieux Brigand
Vieux Brigand

Masculin Messages : 135
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2014
Age : 29

agito - [Agito&Fobos] Strong Willed 2 Empty
MessageSujet: [Agito&Fobos] Strong Willed 2   agito - [Agito&Fobos] Strong Willed 2 Icon_minitimeMer 19 Sep - 21:11

agito - [Agito&Fobos] Strong Willed 2 1536960515-Strong-Willed-2_1  
Special thanks to Zuken for poster xD

Yo guys! It's our new duo, we made it special for amvnews mix con 2018! Well, it was edited in like 2 days (our last 4 tracks was made in 1 hour xDD) and even it's not have something special i think it's still enjoyable, i hope you like it!!


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Sora to Kasai
Sora to Kasai

Masculin Messages : 7153
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : BELGIQUE

agito - [Agito&Fobos] Strong Willed 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Agito&Fobos] Strong Willed 2   agito - [Agito&Fobos] Strong Willed 2 Icon_minitimeVen 21 Sep - 19:47

Pretty solid for such a fast edit, even though, not gonna lie the last parts felt less interesting and overall it's really classical xD The song choice brings some fresh air though! So yeah, I enjoyed Razz

Good luck guys
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Vieux Brigand
Vieux Brigand

Masculin Messages : 135
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2014
Age : 29

agito - [Agito&Fobos] Strong Willed 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Agito&Fobos] Strong Willed 2   agito - [Agito&Fobos] Strong Willed 2 Icon_minitimeLun 24 Sep - 22:29

o/ Hakim ! =) Yeah, agree about last parts, it was made like in 1 hours, first parts in 2 days... xD
And Merci for comment, i'm really happy that you still watching and commented our vids Smile
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agito - [Agito&Fobos] Strong Willed 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Agito&Fobos] Strong Willed 2   agito - [Agito&Fobos] Strong Willed 2 Icon_minitime

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[Agito&Fobos] Strong Willed 2
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