Sora to Kasai
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 [Agito&Fobos] Infernal Awakening

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2 participants
Vieux Brigand
Vieux Brigand

Masculin Messages : 135
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2014
Age : 29

agito - [Agito&Fobos] Infernal Awakening Empty
MessageSujet: [Agito&Fobos] Infernal Awakening   agito - [Agito&Fobos] Infernal Awakening Icon_minitimeMer 8 Avr - 21:17

agito - [Agito&Fobos] Infernal Awakening EUnvOhwXYAAYhxM?format=jpg&name=large

Long time i wasn't here, but the time has come lol. This is the new collab between me and Agito for big contest 2020, enjoy Smile


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Sora to Kasai
Sora to Kasai

Masculin Messages : 7153
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : BELGIQUE

agito - [Agito&Fobos] Infernal Awakening Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Agito&Fobos] Infernal Awakening   agito - [Agito&Fobos] Infernal Awakening Icon_minitimeLun 27 Avr - 14:24

Hey guys,

I am quite late but I enjoyed the freshness of the song choice. The mix of animes worked quite well and you have good transitions, the zoro to Eren was fun.
However, I feel like it becomes a bit repetitive after some time, and the parts with more classical shonen felt less good, especially the fairy tail one, I guess the anime is also to blame but it was quite a weaker finish imo.

Good luck inthe contest to you two o/
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Vieux Brigand
Vieux Brigand

Masculin Messages : 135
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2014
Age : 29

agito - [Agito&Fobos] Infernal Awakening Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Agito&Fobos] Infernal Awakening   agito - [Agito&Fobos] Infernal Awakening Icon_minitimeJeu 30 Avr - 11:26

Better late than never. thx MDL.
Btw, most people prefer FT part in it more than others lel
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agito - [Agito&Fobos] Infernal Awakening Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Agito&Fobos] Infernal Awakening   agito - [Agito&Fobos] Infernal Awakening Icon_minitime

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[Agito&Fobos] Infernal Awakening
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