Sora to Kasai
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 [Gladiator Pit - MDL] Yamidō

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Sora to Kasai
Sora to Kasai

Masculin Messages : 7152
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2009
Age : 30
Localisation : BELGIQUE

[Gladiator Pit - MDL] Yamidō Empty
MessageSujet: [Gladiator Pit - MDL] Yamidō   [Gladiator Pit - MDL] Yamidō Icon_minitimeMar 7 Mar - 19:03

[Gladiator Pit - MDL] Yamidō Bann-y10

Hello! This is my entry for Soul's Team IC XIX which I entered with  @LucioleAMV  and  @novax7469  . This year, I wasn't really feeling the dance category and no songs really inspired me to push for it. So I fled to this special "Gladiator pit" category, a bit niche probably, but the music was too good to let go.
Pretty obvious for Genshin players but I took inspiration from Raiden Shogun trailer video and character.

Title is a play of words between Yami (Darkness) and "dō" coming from words like "bushidō" or "kendō", so it's the "way of darkness" or "Dark Road" (yes it's another reference to a Kingdom Hearts game). It's also answering the music's title "Hikari" meaning Light.

Hope you'll enjoy!

Anime: Various (list below)
Music: GhostFinal - Hikari

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[Gladiator Pit - MDL] Yamidō
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