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 [Ellines Nakama] From the Depths

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2 participants
Roseau Fringant
Roseau Fringant

Masculin Messages : 40
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2013
Age : 27
Localisation : Dubai

[Ellines Nakama] From the Depths Empty
MessageSujet: [Ellines Nakama] From the Depths   [Ellines Nakama] From the Depths Icon_minitimeJeu 31 Oct - 19:28

Download link:
Productions: Ellines Nakama
Author(s): MissTitannia / AlchemistEskimo / GodFire91 / CrookzAMV / 995Gabber / AoNoFlamez
Anime source(s): Ga Rei Zero / Baccano / Fate Stay Night (+ Unlimited Bladeworks) / Fate Zero / Hunter x Hunter 2011 / Bleach Hell Verse / Shingeki No Kyojin
Audio source(s): Fireflight - Stay close + Pendulum - The Island pt 2 (dusk)
Contest participated in: Enp MEP Battle Event
Other credits: The(amazing)GMSsJ for the lovely intro Smile

We're winning this!
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Sora to Kasai
Sora to Kasai

Masculin Messages : 4353
Date d'inscription : 21/07/2010
Age : 33
Localisation : Du 29

[Ellines Nakama] From the Depths Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Ellines Nakama] From the Depths   [Ellines Nakama] From the Depths Icon_minitimeDim 3 Nov - 3:15

as first for the intro, ther's too much blur especially at the end, you totally can't see the texts .

track 1: 0:41 don't have any linear blur during the transition. a main issue for me was 1:02 to 1:10, it gets too intense before the chorus, we don,t have "time" to prepare for it. the "scenes mashup background" after it was a good idea, but the fact the sequence before is too powerful ruins it a bit.
Another things, there's a lot of color changes which aren't totally fluid, we have purple-blue-orange.. it's get us out of the scene mood most of the time since it changes a lot without "preparation". some "curves" fx would have been welcome if you wanted to stick to that scenes choices, which were a bit confusing too. track 2 transition went quite ok.

track 2: DAT GORE Very Happy . intensity was excellent for me. some grayscale moment where a bit less immersive, though. 1:37 lack a bit of impact (guy running with hands in pockets, i expected a face hit).1:44 is an excellent scene choice, yet the slide transition after it could have got some "perspective" rotation to make it more natural. careful with some lips flaps too.

track 3: classic scenes, yet the mood is respected. 2:04 she closes her eye too quick and it's not synched. scene after it (eye opening), you can use gaussian blur for the scene we "see" and some radial blur or feathering around the eye-hole too make it more "blurry vision getting better after some fraction of seconds", it seems less "added mask". Chorus felt a bit less "synched", but rythm was nice and the "berserker gatling" was an really delicious internal beat sync. F/Z didn't felt odd with FSN, it's a good point.

track 4: track felt too much contrasted (especially when you mix grayscale and colors). texts at 2:40 reall wasn't necessary. effect on the mask at 2:41 was interesting, if it's one. 2:44 for wiggle , you see the borders, use the "stretch option" in vegas if you use that kind of effect.

track 5: pre-chorus was too powerful IMO, and the animated masks are too much "spotted", work with color/saturation for this. But the chorus was quite good

track 6: 3:29 lol transgender lip sync.3:30 to 3:41 felt really slow compared to the chorus before. i didn't minded the mother scene before it, but the rest after really reduced the intensity. 3:48 having once the girl was correct, but having her just after in another angle/direction? it seems like you have twins in your AMV, it's passes better than having twice the same character (with masks)on a similar frame, but many some frame with the cape could have helped to make a "i rotate and then go right" feeling. end of your chorus went better.

That was definitely a better AMV of you folks right here. Preference for AlchemistEskimo and 995Gabber (chorus part) tracks(you make me like bleach, that's something XD).

I start to like what i see. Different errors, but it's completely perfectible. Keep it up, ENP.

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Roseau Fringant
Roseau Fringant

Masculin Messages : 40
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2013
Age : 27
Localisation : Dubai

[Ellines Nakama] From the Depths Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Ellines Nakama] From the Depths   [Ellines Nakama] From the Depths Icon_minitimeDim 3 Nov - 8:05

PBE a écrit:
I start to like what i see. Different errors, but it's completely perfectible. Keep it up, ENP.

Aha! I hope you're not disappointed, we're slowly improving so a few errors are to be expected.
Thank you so much William Smile You really always give us the best reviews! Its highly appreciated!
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[Ellines Nakama] From the Depths Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Ellines Nakama] From the Depths   [Ellines Nakama] From the Depths Icon_minitime

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[Ellines Nakama] From the Depths
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