Sora to Kasai
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 ♪ Kyoukai no Kanata [AMV] - DEMONS [AMV Strat]

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2 participants
AMV Strat
Roseau Fringant
Roseau Fringant
AMV Strat

Masculin Messages : 35
Date d'inscription : 22/08/2014
Age : 28

♪ Kyoukai no Kanata [AMV] - DEMONS  [AMV Strat] Empty
MessageSujet: ♪ Kyoukai no Kanata [AMV] - DEMONS [AMV Strat]   ♪ Kyoukai no Kanata [AMV] - DEMONS  [AMV Strat] Icon_minitimeVen 22 Aoû - 14:02

Creator: AMV Strat
Animes: - Kyoukai no Kanata
Music: - Animus Vox - The Glitch Mob
DDl Link: -

Hi! I'm AMV Strat and I'm new on this forum Razz. At first, sorry for my bad english Razz. I'm from Spain, I have 18 years old and I love anime ^^. I try to improve editing, but I'm still a beginner. Smile
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Sora to Kasai
Sora to Kasai

Masculin Messages : 7152
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2009
Age : 30
Localisation : BELGIQUE

♪ Kyoukai no Kanata [AMV] - DEMONS  [AMV Strat] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ♪ Kyoukai no Kanata [AMV] - DEMONS [AMV Strat]   ♪ Kyoukai no Kanata [AMV] - DEMONS  [AMV Strat] Icon_minitimeVen 22 Aoû - 15:18


I'll just comment the latest of your work. Also please introduce yourself in a new thread there:

As for your vid there were good points, I thought the scene selection was quite cool and you understand well the importance of variation of the song. However, you rely a bit too much on flashes to hit the synch and you don't make full use of the internal synch of your scenes. Overall, your scenes were a bit too slow and some were too static. Be careful with the colors too, you don't mind going from a night scene to a day one or from blue to red and that can be a problem.

But even if you still call yourself a beginner, it doesn't look so bad and you have room to improve. Good luck!

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AMV Strat
Roseau Fringant
Roseau Fringant
AMV Strat

Masculin Messages : 35
Date d'inscription : 22/08/2014
Age : 28

♪ Kyoukai no Kanata [AMV] - DEMONS  [AMV Strat] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ♪ Kyoukai no Kanata [AMV] - DEMONS [AMV Strat]   ♪ Kyoukai no Kanata [AMV] - DEMONS  [AMV Strat] Icon_minitimeLun 25 Aoû - 20:09

MagicDarkLight a écrit:

I'll just comment the latest of your work. Also please introduce yourself in a new thread there:

As for your vid there were good points, I thought the scene selection was quite cool and you understand well the importance of variation of the song. However, you rely a bit too much on flashes to hit the synch and you don't make full use of the internal synch of your scenes. Overall, your scenes were a bit too slow and some were too static. Be careful with the colors too, you don't mind going from a night scene to a day one or from blue to red and that can be a problem.

But even if you still call yourself a beginner, it doesn't look so bad and you have room to improve. Good luck!

Thank you so much for watching ^^.
Ok, I'll try to improve Smile
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♪ Kyoukai no Kanata [AMV] - DEMONS  [AMV Strat] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ♪ Kyoukai no Kanata [AMV] - DEMONS [AMV Strat]   ♪ Kyoukai no Kanata [AMV] - DEMONS  [AMV Strat] Icon_minitime

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♪ Kyoukai no Kanata [AMV] - DEMONS [AMV Strat]
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