I don't really know how I feel about this video, on one side, I think your editing wasn't bad at all, the transitions were a bit too fast/rough at some times though but there was a nice flow. On the other side I also think your mad part is quite well done, the effects look cool and the motions too but.. it's just a part, it's not interesting this way. You should have mixed it better with the more classical editing part so that you really can say this is like a mad, here it's just an amv with some compos in the middle to look cool. The way it happens at 1:14 is also a bit awkward, it's plainly a dezoom with a frame that I think doesn't look really good. On the other hand I do applause you for the compos, they didn't feel out of place in regards of the atmosphere.
But apart from the mix of these two sides of your video, I thought it was well done, next time, try to have all those skills in one coherent segment and it will be almost perfect!