Hello! (Edit: J'ai commencé le comm en anglais sans réfléchir, mais si tu préfères en fr je te retraduirai xD)
I liked it, I really appreciate the effort you put into your secene selection and sequencing, you actually tried to stay as clean and clever as possible in your transitions, nothing too repetitive. Almost all masks were well placed and parallels between scenes were very nice.
The main problem here is the pace, the variations were quite good but not the overall speed. Everyone has his style but I do think you should try making things a bit more dynamic. On a smaller scale, you have some wrong effects, like really wrong, SpiceMaster stuff or I don't know, random burn effects. Please just forget about this kind of effects, seeing how you try to be as right as possible in your transitions, they really come out of the blue xD
I was quite surprised because you said you were 7th, I didn't watch the other vids but I expect something worse to be honest xD Good job anyways, I'm looking forward to your next projects