Sora to Kasai
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 [MagicDarkLight] Starry Eyed

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Sora to Kasai
Sora to Kasai

Masculin Messages : 7152
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2009
Age : 30
Localisation : BELGIQUE

[MagicDarkLight] Starry Eyed Empty
MessageSujet: [MagicDarkLight] Starry Eyed   [MagicDarkLight] Starry Eyed Icon_minitimeJeu 4 Mai - 2:05

[MagicDarkLight] Starry Eyed Bann-s10

Arrow always forces me into stuff so this time I had to enter ALS IC with him in a duo of solos! It sounds like it was against my will but don't worry, this isn't like that at all...! We both edited Arknight songs but I don't know anything about Arknight?
On the video, this Railgun character is one of my fav in Railgun, she has stars in her eyes and Oshi no Ko will be overused soon so might as well take the lead. Funny that when I edit dance category I can lean to action and in the action category, I'm leaning to dance but hey it was fun to make! (And hearing the song Starry Eyed again was a blast from the past, such a classic)

I hope you'll enjoy o/


To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T, Oshi no Ko
Mary Clare - Radiant
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[MagicDarkLight] Starry Eyed
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